Name of Head of Department:

Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma

Department introduction/description :

Over the past five decades, healthcare delivery at the central hospital has evolved from essential services to multispecialty care in several specific domains. The medical laboratory too, has come a long way. From limited operations on limited hours for minimal tests (that too, done manually with reagents with very little on board stability), considering that we now operate full hours at the ER laboratory and have a wide panel of tests, internally calibrated and standardized with automation-based techniques, it would be safe to assert that supportive laboratory services are currently in par with the level of healthcare services in our center.  

Clinical Biochemistry is taught at our center to all undergraduate programs, from MBBS, to the most recently started course in perfusion technology. At the Masters’ level, we have our own courses in Clinical Biochemistry (MSC, and MD) and also have limited hours of teaching to three more post graduate programs at the institute of medicine. 

Encompassing the sample collection center, the emergency laboratory and the clinical biochemistry laboratory at the hospital, the department of biochemistry caters to a large patient base and has a significant number of employees at the hospital, too. 

In partnership with several academic and clinical departments, we have been conducting collaborative researches over the years. With the research wing at the basic sciences building having been developed into an academic research laboratory with its own resources (wet lab), the access to research opportunities have greatly increased for faculty and students alike. 

A research liaison has also been established with the Nepal Health Research Council, the University Grants’ Commission and the Central University in the past years. The idea is to incorporate student researches and provide mentorship for application towards research grants for our students in the coming years. 

The technical expertise and academic prowess involved in the performance and supervision of every laboratory procedure involved in the hospital laboratory operations can obviously not be overemphasized at this point and the department and the staff that it has at its disposal constantly strive to achieve perfection and excellence, with significant contributions from Residents and Laboratory Science Students. 

As of date, the laboratory is sophisticated enough, in that, even with the limited physical space available, we perform diverse tests ranging from routine analytes to complicated hormone assays and tumor markers on a daily basis now. Quality control and device calibration too, are more efficient now, thanks to recently introduced standard laboratory automation techniques. We have newly installed a new Abbott Architect ci4100 integrated autoanalyzer, Premier Hb9210 (HPLC) for HbA1c, and JOKOH EX-D for electrolyte estimation which are the new automated analyzers that utilize cutting-edge technology. 

The Department of Clinical Biochemistry and its Hospital Laboratory now serves well over five hundred serum samples every day. With quite a few additions to the Endocrinology Unit of the Biochemistry lab over the last few years, that includes the latest additions for serum analysis for markers of fertility (Dehydroepiandrosterone- Sulphate DHEAS), cardiac biomarkers, diabetic panel markers among others, the number of samples processed by the endocrinology unit alone has doubled over the past year.  

At Biochemistry, we believe in responsibility, integrity, and honest hard work, and as long as we do our part well, we are certain that we reserve the right to expect everyone else does theirs just as well. The following list includes the faculty members and laboratory personnel who work as a team to provide quality service. 

Department vision, mission and goals :

The department of Biochemistry has three main areas of concern – academics, research and healthcare services. We hope to develop our laboratory medicine program further and produce the best technical laboratory personnel in the country. We continue to contribute to medical education, fueling the foundation years of medical school and we have a vision where laboratory medicine is incorporated into the medical curriculum as a separate credit in the future.

Department faculty members:

S.N.Full NameDesignationFull Academic QualificationsJoined yearRemarks
 1Dr. Vijay Kumar SharmaAssociate ProfessorMD, Mphil2006HOD
 2Dr. Binod Kumar YadavAssociate ProfessorBMLT, MSC, PHD, Post Doc Fellow2005Deputation
 3Dr. Eans Tara TuladharAssistant ProfessorMBBS, MD2007 
 4Dr. Aseem BhattaraiAssistant ProfessorMBBS, MD2013 
 5Mr. Mithileshwor RautAssistant ProfessorBMLT, MSC2013 
 6Mr. Raju Kumar DubeyAssistant ProfessorBSC MLT, MSC2021 
 7Dr. Apeksha NiraulaAssistant ProfessorBDS, MD2021 

Department staff members:

S.N.NameDesignationAcademic Qualifications Full (Bachelor onwards)Joined year
 1Bijay DangolSenior Lab BoyNot Applicable1998

Academic programs and students educated/trained each year / total

LevelS.N.Program nameDetails
Bachelor 1MBBSYes (First and Second Year)
 2BDSYes (First and Second Year)
 3BASLPYes (First Year)
 4BOptomYes (First Year)
 5BPerfusionYes (First Year)
 6BPharmacyYes (First Year)
 7BScMITYes (Second Year)
 8BScMLTYes (All Four Years)
Masters 9MD Medical BiochemistryYes (Three Years)
 10MD PediatricsYes (First Year)
 11MS OrthopedicsYes (First Year)
 12MSc Clinical BiochemistryYes (Three Years)

List of hospital clinical services provided and Number of patients served/treated

Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory (Caters to more than 500 patient samples and over 1000 tests everyday)

Emergency Medical Laboratory (Caters to all emergency patient samples and operates 24 hours)

Research activities of the faculties/department


SNTitle of ProjectInvestigatorStatusFaculty Supervisors
1.Iron Deficiency and Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies in Reproductive-age WomenAnuradha KadelIRC approvedDr. Eans Tara Tuladhar, Dr. Apeksha Niraula  
2.Lipoprotein (a) level and ApoB/Apo A1 ratio in Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Compared to Lipid ProfileAnuradha KadelIRC approvedDr. Aseem Bhattarai, Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma
3.Central Diabetes Insipidus Secondary to Inactive Hydrocephalus: A Case Report of 13-year-old from Tertiary Care HospitaAnuradha KadelUnder review in JournalRaju Kumar Dubey, Mithileshwar Raut
4.Effects of dynamic meditation on serum cortisol and biochemical parameters in pre and post meditation participantsNikita KharalAnalysis CompletedDr. Vijay Kumar Sharma, Dr. Apeksha Niraula
5.Effect of dynamic meditation on serum hormones level in participants attending meditation campNikita KharalManuscript writingDr. Vijay Kumar Sharma, Dr. Eans Tara Tuladhar
6.Screening of serum hormonal levels at different stages of breast cancer patientsNikita KharalIRC approvedDr. Eans Tara Tuladhar, Raju Kumar Dubey
7.An interesting case of unintentional vitamin D toxicity in an infant due to erroneous vitamin D supplements concentrationNikita KharalAccepted in JournalDr. Arun Kumar Sharma, Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma, Dr. Apeksha Niraula
8.Apolipoprotein A1 level in patients with Parkinson’s Disease attending in tertiary care center of NepalDr. Srijana SapkotaProposal writing ready for submissionDr. Rajiv Ojha, Dr. Aseem Bhattarai
9.Correlation between serum asymmetric dimethylarginine and estimated glomerular filtration rate among patients with chronic kidney diseasePrakash PokhrelSubmitted to IRCDr. Mahesh Raj Sigdel, Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma


SNTitle of ProjectInvestigatorStatusFaculty Supervisor
1.Thyroid Dysfunction and Autoimmune thyroid disease in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)Pratibha KandelSubmissionDr. Eans Tara Tuladhar, Dr. Apeksha Niraula  
2.Clinical and Laboratory Profile in Seropositive Dengue Cases in Tertiary Care Hospital in NepalPratibha KandelManuscript writingDr. Vijay Kumar Sharma, Dr. Apeksha Niraula
3.Homocysteine levels in women with Polycystic Ovary SyndromePratibha KandelManuscript SubmittedRaju Kumar Dubey, Mithileshwar Raut
4.Association of Apolipoproteins A1 & B100 in Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Patients Attending Endocrinology Clinic at Tribhuvan University Teaching HospitalDr. Smrity RajkarnikarManuscript WritingDr. Aseem Bhattarai, Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma
5.Free Prostate Specific Antigen (fPSA) levels as a marker of androgen excess in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)Dr. Smrity RajkarnikarPaper SubmittedDr. Vijay Kumar Sharma, Raju Kumar Dubey
6.hs-CRP & Lipid Profile As An Atherosclerotic Risk Factor In Subclinical HypothyroidismDr. Smrity RajkarnikarManuscriptMithileshwar Raut, Dr. Eans Tara Tuladhar
7.hsCRP and lipoprotein (a) as a cardiovascular risk marker in women with Polycystic Ovarian SyndromeSujata BaidyaPaper SubmittedDr. Apeksha Niraula, Dr. Eans Tara Tuladhar
8.Autoimmune thyroid status in women with Polycystic Ovarian SyndromeSujata BaidyaPaper SubmittedDr. Eans Tara Tuladhar, Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma
9.Porphyria: A Case ReportSujata BaidyaPublishedDr. Vijay Kumar Sharma
10.Iron Profile Spectrum in patients visiting Tribhuvan University Teaching HospitalSujata BaidyaReport ReadyDr. Eans Tara Tuladhar
11.Association of Vitamin D Receptor-associated Single Nucleotide Polymorphism with Vitamin D and Calcium Levels in Individual Visiting Tribhuvan University Teaching HospitalSujata BaidyaPaper PublishedDr. Vijay Kumar Sharma, Dr. Aseem Bhattarai
12.Assessment of Performance of Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory Using Six-sigma Metrics at Tribhuvan University Teaching HospitalSujata BaidyaManuscript ReadyDr. Binod Kumar Yadav, Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma

On-going research works in Clinical Biochemistry (Group Projects)

SNTitle of ProjectStatus
1.Screening of Down’s Syndrome in High Risk Pregnancy in Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital67 Samples
2.Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in Parkinson’s Disease and Related Movement Disorders (In collaboration with Neurology Department TUTH)Patient Samples- 38 Relatives Samples- 19 DNA extract sent for analysis- 38
3.Effect of dynamic meditation on serum hormones level in participants attending meditation campManuscript preparation
4.Comparison of performance of Tacrolimus in Abbott ARCHITECT ci4100 and SNIBE Maglumi 800Proposal writing

Number of publications by faculties/department

Original articlesReview articlesCase reportsNewspaperOnline newsTotal

Achievements/Grants/Awards received by faculties/department

Grants: Faculty Research Grant (NHRC), UGC Research Grant (Undergraduates, multiple)