Name of Department:  Internal Medicine

Name of Head of Department:

Prof. Dr Mahesh Raj Sigdel

MD, DM Nephrology, Hon FICP, FRCP Edin

Head, Department of Internal Medicine

Department Introduction/Description:

Institute of Medicine (IOM) was established under Tribhuvan University in 1972. Tribhuvan

University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) began its services in 1983. Since the beginning, the department of Internal Medicine has been in the forefront for providing healthcare services conducting academic programs and research. In its endeavor of fulfilling the objectives of the institution and striving for excellence, over the last four decades, department of Internal Medicine has successfully evolved from

various sub-specialty units of cardiology, Nephrology, Gastroenterology and Neurology to fully

functioning separate departments and providing specialty services as well as running DM

training programs. With the smooth running of the subspecialty departments and their own

subspecialty training programs, Department of Internal Medicine  currently provides clinical services on  Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Rheumatology, Haemato-oncology, medical Oncology and Infectious disease and looks after various undergraduate and postgraduate academic activities of the Institute and coordinates academic activities between the various subspecialty departments.

Academic programs and activities

Post graduate training

  • MD Internal Medicine – 3-year course
  • MDGP residency training
  • MD Kayachikitsa elective posting
  • MD elective posting from Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences, Bhutan
  • MD elective postings from other medical colleges in Nepal (IOM affiliated campuses, PAHS, BPKIHS etc)
  • Conduction of regular scheduled internal assessment and final assessment of undergraduate and postgraduate programs from Institute of Medicine (IOM)
  • Participation of faculties in final assessment of MBBS, MD, DM program of affiliated

medical colleges

Undergraduate training

  • MBBS
  • BDS
  • BAMS (elective posting)
  • Question Setting and moderation
  • Conduction of regular scheduled internal assessment and final assessment of undergraduate and postgraduate programs from Institute of Medicine (IOM)
  • Participation of faculties in final assessment of MBBS, MD, DM program of affiliated

medical colleges

Regular Activities

  • Daily morning Clinical Meeting (morning conference and mortality discussion)- 9am to 9:30 am
Endocrine/Rheumatology/Infectious diseaseHemato-OncologyGastro enterologyNephrologyNeurologyPulmonology
  • Morning clinical discussion – 9:30 -10 am
  • Seminar – Monday 1-2 pm
  • Case presentation- Wednesday 1-2 pm
  • Journal Club –Friday 1-2 pm
  • Thesis topic presentation and presentation of the completed thesis before final


  • CME programs by Faculties periodically

Regular services by the department

  • Scheduled daily OPD and Inpatient services with specialty services in

Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Oncology, Hematology and Infectious diseases.

  • Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)
  • Intermediate Coronary Care Unit (ICCU)
  • HIV/AIDS counselling services and treatment including PEP
  • DOTS service

Internal Medicine/ Endocrine Unit

The Endocrine services at TUTH were started under the Department of Medicine from the day of its

establishment. After decades of successful services, Endocrine Unit was established in Poush 28th

2067. The Out-patient Clinics in Endocrinology provides services to nearly 250 patients on each day on Mondays,Tuesdays and Fridays.


1. Endocrine OPD and Inpatient care

2. Academic activities-lectures/bedside teaching

Undergraduate level- MBBS, BDS

Postgraduate level- MD

3. Research/ Thesis related Activities

Undergraduate level- BMLT/ B Pharma and others

Post graduate level– MD

4. Regular CME, Health camps and awareness program

OPD Schedule

Endocrine OPD -Monday (9AM), Tuesday (2 PM), Friday (9 AM)

Future Plan

1. Conduct Sub-specialty training in Endocrinology and Metabolism-Fellowship/ DM in Endocrinology and Metabolism.

2. Provide separate specialized OPD services like Pituitary Clinic, Growth and puberty disorder

clinic, diabesity clinic, Osteoporosis clinic, Reproductive Endocrine and sexual disorder clinic.

3. Maintain Electronic data record

4. Conduct Collaborative research

5.Conduct community-oriented Awareness and research activities

Internal Medicine, Rheumatology and Immunology services


1. Rheumatology OPD and Inpatient Services

2. Daycare services (Intraarticular injections, Drug infusions etc.)

3. Rheumatological disease awareness

OPD Schedule

1. Rheumatology OPD – Monday (9 AM), Tuesday (2PM), Friday (9 AM)

2. Emergency/On call – 24 X 7

Future Plan

  1. Acquire more qualified manpower in this specialty
  2. Start clinical Fellowship and DM training program in the long term
  3. Train manpower to expand OPD and inpatient services
  4. Train Nursing personnel for tailored patient care in Rheumatology
  5. Acquire Electronic data record
  6. Conduct hospital based and community based collaborative research
  7. To extend immunological diagnostic services

Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases


1. Infectious Diseases OPD and Inpatient care

2. ART clinic and post-exposure prophylaxis services

3. Infection Prevention and Control

4. Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, and Cholera

OPD schedule

1. Internal Medicine/Infectious Diseases – Monday (AM), Tuesday (PM), Friday (AM)

2. ART Clinic and PEP – Sunday to Friday

Future plan

1. AMR surveillance and Antibiogram development

2. Antimicrobial stewardship program

3. Electronic data record and collaborative research

Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology


  1. Medical Oncology OPD and Inpatient care
  2. Day Care services and cancer screening
  3. Providing Biologics therapy, Immunotherapy, targeted therapy and chemotherapy services
  4. Multidisciplinary Tumor Board services with National and International faculties/specialist

OPD schedule

Medical Oncology – Sunday to Friday (9 AM)

Future plan

  1. Comprehensive cancer care service
  2. Strengthen Tele-oncology services
  3. Develop short term Oncology Nursing Training program
  4. Conduct single Institutional, National and International collaborative researches and clinical trials in oncology
  5. Electronic data record and collaborative research
  6. Conduct Subspecialty DM program in medical oncology
  7. Work at community level for prevention and screening cancer

Internal Medicine, Haemato-oncology services


1. Hematology and Oncology OPD and Inpatient care

2. Day Care services and cancer screening

3. Immunotherapy, targeted therapy and chemotherapy services

4. Multidisciplinary Tumor Board services

OPD schedule (Suresh Wagle Memorial Cancer Center)

 Hematology OPD Schedule

 Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday (12 pm to 4 PM) in Suresh Wagle Memorial Cancer Center,TUTH

Future Plans

1. Consolidate the existing services, upgrade patient centric quality haemato-oncology care and conduct Bone Marrow transplant at affordable price

2. Conduct clinical and academic training programs

Departmental vision, mission and goals:


To provide highest quality medical care through sub-specialty facility and produce graduates through Internal Medicine Training Program to serve the community.


To support Maharajgunj Medical Campus in its drive for excellence in healthcare, education and research.


To strengthen current sub-specialty services, strive for educational excellence, support faculties for continuous professional development and enhance research related activities

Department faculty members

S.N.Full NameDesignationFull Academic Qualifications (Bachelor onwards)Joined year (AD)Remarks
 Dr Bikash DaliProfessorMD (Internal Medicine), PhD1993 
 Dr Mahesh Raj SigdelProfessorMD (Internal Medicine), DM(Nephrology)2004 
 Dr Matina SayamiLecturerMD (Internal Medicine), Fellowship (Endocrinology and Metabolism)2012 
 Dr Rakshya ShresthaLecturerMD (Internal Medicine), Fellowship (Medical Oncology)2012 
 Dr Saket JhaLecturerMD, DM (Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology)2020 
 Dr Naresh ParajuliLecturerMD (Endocrinology and Metabolism)2021 
 Dr Khem Raj BhusalLecturerMD (Internal Medicine), DM Resident) Cardiology2021 
 Dr Bishal PaudelLecturerMD (Internal Medicine), DM (Medical Oncology)2023 
 Dr Sabin ThapaliyaLecturerMD, Fellowship (Infectious Medicine)2024 
 Dr Roshan BhandariLecturerMD (Internal Medicine)2024 
 Dr Prashun UpadhayaClinical RegistrarMD (Internal Medicine) DM (Clinical Hematology)2024TUTH appointed
 Dr Milan GaihreClinical RegistrarMD (Internal Medicine)2024TUTH appointed
13.Dr Anjan ShresthaAssociate ProfessorMD, Fellowship (Hemato-Oncology)2007On deputation

Academic programs and students educated/trained each year/ total

LevelS.N.Program nameTick / Yes / No
Bachelor MBBSYes100
Masters MD (Internal Medicine)Yes14
 MD (kaya Chikitsa) (Elective Posting)Yes 
 MDGP (Elective Posting)Yes 
 MD (Internal Medicine) Affiliated collegesYes 
Elective Posting (National and International) MBBS/MDYes 
Super-specialty DM (Neurology/Nephrology/ Gastroeterology/Cardiology)Yes 

List of hospital clinical services provided and Number of patients served/treated

Internal Medicine/General Medicine (This number does not include IPD patients, day care patients and services provided by medical superspeciality)

Clinical ServicesNo of patients (OPD)/IPD /Year-2080/81
EndocrinologyOPD-22000 / year
Medical OncologyOPD- 9500/ year
Hematology and Haemato-oncologyOPD-7000/year
Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology/Infectious diseaseOPD- 9500/year

Research activities of the faculties/department

Prof. Dr Mahesh Raj Sigdel

Original articlesReview articlesCase reportsNewspaperOnline newsTotal
  1. Thapa S, Sigdel M R. MEST C Score and Treatment Response in IgA Nephropathy in a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study. J Nepal Med Assoc 2024;62(276):536-41
  2. Ali R, Sigdel M R. Metabolic Syndrome in patients with Urinary Tract Stone Disease: A Hospital based Single Center Study. JIOM Nepal, 2023 Dec; 45(3):1-6.
  3. Dhakal N, Sapkota NK, Sigdel M R. Assessment of Volume Status using Body Composition Monitor for Blood Pressure Control in Patients undergoing maintenance Hemodialysis: a randomized Controlled Trial. JIOM Nepal, April 2023, Vol 45, Number 1
  4. Thapa S, Khanal UP, Paudel Sharma, Sigdel M R. Ultrasonographic Assessment of Renal Parameters in Apparently Healthy Medical Students of a University Hospital. JIOM Nepal, April 2023, Vol 45, Number 1
  5. Thapa M, Shrestha G B, Gautam P, Sigdel M R. Cataract among Patients with Renal Transplantation in a Tertiary Care Centre: A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study. J Nepal Med Assoc 2023;61(257):64-67

Dr Matina Sayami

Original articlesReview articlesCase reportsNewspaperOnline newsTotal
  1. Sunuwar, D. R., Nayaju, S., Dhungana, R. R., Karki, K., Singh Pradhan, P. M., Poudel, P., Nepal, C., Thapa, M., Shakya, N. S., Sayami, M., Shrestha, P. K., Yadav, R., & Singh, D. R. (2023). Effectiveness of a dietician-led intervention in reducing glycated haemoglobin among people with type 2 diabetes in Nepal: a single centre, open-label, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet regional health. Southeast Asia18, 100285.

Dr Naresh Parajuli

Lecturer, Endocrine Unit/Internal Medicine

Original articlesReview articlesCase reportsNewspaperOnline newsTotal
  1. Yadav, Alisha MBBS, Shah, Bikash Kumar MBBS; Kharel, Sanjeev MBBS; Parajuli, Naresh

MBBS, MD. Severe hyponatremia as an atypical manifestation of pituitary macroadenoma: A

case report. Annals of Medicine & Surgery:10.1097/MS9.0000000000000676, April 17, 2023

  • Niraula A, Baidya S, Sharma VK, Tuladhar ET, Dubey RK, Bhattarai A, Raut, Parajuli N

(2023) Biochemical spectrum of parathyroid hormone disorders in patients attending TribhuvanUniversity Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal: SAGE Open Medicine. 2023;11.

  • Sharma VK, Niraula A, Tuladhar ET, bhattatai A, Raut M, Dubey RK, Baidya S, Parajuli N.

Autoimmune thyroid status in subclinical thyroid disorders in patients attending a tertiary care

centre in Nepal: a hospital based cross sectional study BMC Endocr Disord. 2023 OCT


  • Sujata Baidya, Eans Tara Tuladhar, Vijay Kumar Sharma, Raju Kumar Dubey, Mithileshwer

Raut, Aseem Bhattarai, Naresh Parajuli, Apeksha Niraula, Association of Low Vitamin D and intact Parathyroid Hormone (iPTH) in Nepalese population: When does iPTH exactly rise?

Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2023

  • Mishra, A. K., Gupta, P., Yadav, R., & Parajuli, N. (2023). Adrenal adenoma associated                       with raised metanephrine level: A case report. International journal of surgery case reports, 109, 108498.
  • Dutta D, Nagendra L, Joshi A, Krishnasamy S, Sharma M, Parajuli N. Glucagon-Like

Peptide-1Receptor Agonists in Post-bariatric Surgery Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Obes Surg.2024 May;34(5):1653-1664. doi: 10.1007/s11695-024-07175-8. Epub 2024Mar 19. PMID: 38502519.

  • Dutta, D., Nagendra, L., Joshi, A., Parajuli, N et al. Adjuvant Role of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1   Receptor Agonist-Based Therapies for Sustained Weight Loss in Post-bariatric Surgery Patients. OBES SURG 34, 2261–2262 (2024).
  • Bhattacharya, Saptarshi; Sahay, Rakesh1; Afsana, Faria2; Sheikh, Aisha3; Widanage,

Niranjala Meegoda4; Maskey, Robin5; Naseri, Mohammad Wali6; Murad, Moosa7; Harikumar,K. V. S.8; Selim, Shahjada9; Aamir, Azizul Hasan10; Muthukuda, Dimuthu11; Parajuli, Naresh12; Baheer, Mohammed Daud13; Latheef, Ali7; Nagendra, Lakshmi14; Mondal, Sunetra15; Kamrul-Hasan, A. B. M.16; Raza, Syed Abbas17; Somasundaram, Noel18; Shrestha, Dina19; Anne, Beatrice20; Ramakrishnan, Santosh21; Kalra, Sanjay22. Global Warming and Endocrinology: The Hyderabad Declaration of the South Asian Federation of Endocrine Societies. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism28(2): p 129-136,Mar–Apr 2024. |DOI: 10.4103/ijem.ijem_473_23

  • Selim, Shahjada & Kalra, Sanjay & Raza, S. Abbas & Damodaran, Suresh & Morshed,Nahid Mahjabin & Parajuli, Naresh & Baheer, Daud & Noori, Mohammad & Khatiwada, Saurav& Baruah,Manash & Siruhan, Mohamed & Niyaz, Mariyam & Latheef, Ali & Aamir, Azizul &Moazam, Amena & Batool, Sumera & Garusinghe, Chaminda & Muthukuda, Dimuthu. (2023).Diabetes Distress Suppl–Pages–23-07-2023. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. Vol.73. 1-30.

Dr Saket Jha

Original articlesReview articlesCase reportsNewspaperOnline newsTotal
  1.  Bhandari SK, Gautam N, Pandeya A, Jha S. A case of bullous systemic lupus erythematosus: Diagnostic challenges and clinical implications. Clin Case Rep. 2023 Nov 8;11(11): e8167.
  2. Case report peripheral ulcerative keratitis with nodular scleritis, presents as the primary manifestation of granulomatosis with polyangiitis – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Sep 5]. Available from:
  3.  Khadka P, Kharel Sitaula R, Mishra SK, Jha S, Lamichhane S, Gyawali P, et al. Choroidal Thickness Measurement in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients with or Without Ocular Manifestation. J Nepal Health Res Counc. 2024 Jun 22;22(1):130–4.
  4. Khadka N, Kandel K, Mishra A, Jha S. Concurrent occurrence of acute pancreatitis and intracerebral hemorrhage as presenting manifestations in lupus: a case report. Ann Med Surg 2012. 2023 Aug;85(8):4067–70.
  5. Shahi T, Ghimire P, Khanal UP, Dhakal TR, Jha S. Fatal ascending aortic aneurysm in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus: A case report. Clin Case Rep. 2023 Jul 1;11(7):e7696.
  6. Gajurel BP, Giri S, Poudel N, Kharel S, Jha S, Karn R, et al. MRI of the brain mimicking autoimmune encephalitis in Sjögren syndrome with chorea: a case report. Ann Med Surg. 2023 Mar 25;85(4):922–5.
  7. Acharya S, Aryal R, Yadav RK, Shrestha S, Karki R, Jha S. Organizing pneumonia as an initial presentation in a male lupus: A rare case report. Clin Case Rep. 2023 May;11(5):e7389.
  8. Paudel A, Bhandari S, Jha S, Pradhan B. Rheumatological emergencies – Perspective of an intensivist. J Nepal Soc Crit Care Med. 2023 Jul 21;1(2):22–8.
  9. Rise of biologics in noninfectious uveitis: a retrospective cohort study from Nepal – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Sep 5]. Available from:
  10. Khanal UP, Ghimire P, Shahi T, Dhakal TR, Jha S. Secondary cardiac amyloidosis in a patient with mixed connective tissue disease: A case report. Clin Case Rep. 2023 Jul 6;11(7):e07669.
  11. The pattern of sarcoid uveitis at a tertiary care center in Nepal – PubMed [Internet]. [cited 2024 Sep 5]. Available from:

 Dr. Sabin Thapaliya,

Original articlesReview articlesCase reportsNewspaperOnline newsTotal
  1. Dhungel S, Mahat B, Limbu P, Thapa S, Awasthi JR, Thapaliya S, et al. Advantage of neuroeducation in managing mass psychogenic illness among rural school children in Nepal. IBRO Neuroscience Reports. 2023; doi:10.1016/j.ibneur.2023.05.003
  • Basnet, S. ., Bhandari, A. ., Basnet, B. K., & Thapaliya, S. . (2023). Ulcerative Colitis with Superior Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis: A Case Report. Journal of Nepal Medical Association, 61(263), 611–613.
  • Maharjan, R., Thapaliya, S., Tamang, P., & Maharjan, R. (2023). Challenges and Complexities of Providing Emergency Medical Services During Covid-19 Pandemic in Nepal. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 38(S1), S172-S173. doi:10.1017/S1049023X23004478
  • Gautam N, Shrestha N, Bhandari S, Thapaliya S. Severe dengue infection unmasking drug-induced liver injury: Successful management with N-acetylcysteine. Clin Case Rep. 2024; 12:e8578. doi:10.1002/ccr3.8578
  • Agrawal, Anushka, Lamichhane, Pratik, Baral, Rituraj, Thapaliya, Sabin, Acute Leukaemia following Dengue Infection in Nepalese Patients: A Report of Two Cases, Case Reports in Hematology, 2024, 8747138, 4 pages, 2024.

Dr Rakshya Shrestha

Original articlesReview articlesCase reportsNewspaperOnline newsTotal
  1. Shrestha R, Paudel B, Panthi B, Gyawali B, Pandey A, Khanal S, Gyawali S. Breast Cancer among Cancer Patients Visiting the Department of Internal Medicine of a Tertiary Centre. JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc. 2024 Feb 24;62(270):64-67. doi: 10.31729/jnma.8466. PMID: 38409971; PMCID: PMC10924505.
  • Shrestha, R., Panthi, B., Gyawali, S., Kharel, S., & Paudel, B. (2023). Hormone Receptors and HER2 Status of Patients with Breast Cancer in a Tertiary Center of Nepal: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal45(3), 46–50.

Dr Khem Raj Bhusal

Original articlesReview articlesCase reportsNewspaperOnline newsTotal
  1. Bhusal KR, Devkota S, Pathak S, Khanal P, Khanal U, Thapalia P, Neupane S, Gyanwali P, Simkhada R, Oli KK. Prevalence of Microalbuminuria in Non-diabetic Hypertensive Patients and its Correlation with Changes in Left Ventricular and Left Atrial Characteristics. J Nepal Health Res Counc. 2023 Jul 20;20(4):838-841. doi: 10.33314/jnhrc.v20i4.3786. PMID: 37489664.

Dr Bishal Paudel

Original articlesReview articlesCase reportsNewspaperOnline newsTotal
  1. Gyawali S, Tiwari S, Sah GS, Panthi B, Upreti A, Pokhrel B, Gyawali B, Khanal P, Shrestha R, Paudel B. Prevalence of sleep disorders in patients with advanced cancer: a cross-sectional study. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2024 May 28;86(7):3954-3958. doi: 10.1097/MS9.0000000000002232. PMID: 38989183; PMCID: PMC11230787.
  2. Shrestha R, Paudel B, Panthi  B, Gyawali B, Pandey A, Khanal S, Gyawali S. Breast Cancer among Cancer Patients Visiting the Department of Internal Medicine of a Tertiary Centre. JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc. 2024 Feb 24;62(270):64-67. doi: 10.31729/jnma.8466.
  3. Shrestha, R.., Panthi, B., Gyawali, S. ., Kharel, S., & Paudel, B. (2023). Hormone Receptors and HER2 Status of Patients with Breast Cancer in a Tertiary Center of Nepal: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Institute of Medicine Nepal, 45(3), 46–50.
  4. Poudyal BS, Paudel B, Tuladhar S, Neupane S, Bhattarai K, Joshi U, Outcome of ALL With ALL-BFM-95 Protocol in Nepal, JCO Global Oncology 2023 :9

Dr Prashun Upadhaya

Original articlesReview articlesCase reportsNewspaperOnline newsTotal
  1. Real-world data of cancer-associated venous thromboembolism in a tertiary-care hospital in India.Manoranjan Mahapatra, Prashun Upadhaya, Mukul Aggarwal, Jasmita Dass, DEEPAM PUSHPAM, Rishi Dhawan, Pradeep Kumar, Ganesh Kumar Viswanathan, Tulika Seth. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2024 42:16_suppl, e23298-e23298

Training/Workshops/Conferences conducted by department (last 1 year only)

  • Annual Internal Medicine Review Update 2024 (March 2024)
  • CME by Endocrine Unit on “Basal Bolus regimen for in-hospital hyperglycemia management” 26th June 2024
  • CME by Endocrine Unit  on “Premix Insulin as black Trouser” on February 2024
  • CME by Rheumatology on Immunological Testing on June 2024
  • CME by Oncology on CAR-T cell therapy on August 2024

Achievements/Grants/Awards received by faculties/department (last 1 year only)


 A physical facility (Seminar Hall, meeting room and research laboratory facility) has been constructed for the Department of Internal Medicine (and its subspecialties) at TU Teaching hospital E block with generous donation of former dean of IOM and former Head of Department of Internal Medicine Department, Prof Gopal Prasad Acharya


Dr. Bishal Paudel from the department has received MMC grant for research on Characteristics and risk factors for cancer associated thrombosis in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Nepal


  1. Prof Mahesh Raj Sigdel awarded Honorary fellowship by Indian College of Physician, of Association of Physician of India in APICON New Delhi in 2024
  2. Dr Sabin Thapaliya was awarded Global Physician Scholar Award 2023-24 by American College of Physician in Boston, USA in 2024
  3. Dr Naresh Parajuli awarded 1st position in Poster presentation in SAFES Conference, 2023
  4. MD Internal Medicine Resident awarded 1st position in Inter-Medical College Internal Medicine Quiz contest 2023 in PAHS
  5. MBBS students awarded 1st position in Internal Medicine College Internal Medicine Quiz contest 2023 in PAHS